[vc_single_image image=”9148″ img_size=”925×450″][special_heading title=”The Laurel Tree” subtitle=”” separator=”yes”]The Word in Scripture
She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, And happy are all who hold her fast. Proverbs 3:18
Reflect on the Word and Prayer
Our friends in Cuba were hit by the destruction of Hurricane Irma. Mission Co-Workers, David and Josey Cortes have been in Louisville unable to return to the place that they feel called and to the people that they call their community. A poem and prayer from a friend, “Chuchi” was sent to Josey this last week about the Laurel tree on the grounds of the seminary in Matanzas that was upended by the storm.
Our Laurel Tree
It was hurricane Irma’s path
with her impetuous winds
that knocked down our Laurel tree,
witness of our many resurrection celebrations.
At sunrise, it was knocked down, lying on the ground,
with its naked roots exposed
and under the shadow of a stormy sky.
Fallen in front of our flags
waiving ever so lightly
inviting us to come together to unite as community
to an ecological commitment,
as if it rests after a turbulent fight.
Three days were enough
to see our Laurel to raise up again.
In its broken trunk, new limbs will grow
in which birds will nest again
and we hear their songs joining ours
praising the all life-giving God,
forever, and ever. Amen
And in it’s original language….
Nuestro laurel
Fue el paso del huracán Irma
con sus impetuosos vientos
quien derribó a nuestro laurel,
testigo de tantas celebraciones de resurrección.
Amaneció derribado, tendido sobre la tierra,
con sus raíces desnudas al aire
y bajo la sombra de un cielo anubarrado aún.
Caído frente a nuestras banderas
que ondeaban suavemente
invitándonos a la unidad comunitaria
y el compromiso ecológico,
parecía que descansaba tras tormentosa lucha.
Tres días bastaron
para ver de nuevo a nuestro laurel erguirse.
En sus troncos cortados renacerán las ramas
en las que nuevamente anidaran las aves
y se escucharan sus cantos junto a los nuestros
al Dios que da vida a todas las cosas
por los siglos de los siglos, Amén.
Make an intention
Pray for all those whose lives have been upended by hurricane, earthquake, wildfire, flooding, and storm. Buy something for the clean-up buckets distributed to affected areas by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.[vc_single_image image=”9146″ img_size=”large”]