Welcome to God’s House

The Word in Scripture

I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord”.  Psalm 122

Reflect on the Word

I have always loved going to church. I grew up in the Presbyterian congregation my parents and grandparents help start, and felt a sense of belonging and acceptance there. Of course, when I went away to college, I took a hiatus from regular church attendance, as many young people do, but upon returning I knew I belonged. The order of worship, the hymns, the passing of the peace, and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper are all familiar and beloved to me, so much so that I sometimes forget what it must be like for a person not accustomed to church going to walk through the doors of a church.

“What’s going on inside? Is everyone really welcome, as the sign says? What if I get to the top of those steps and want to change my mind about entering? Will anyone be there to greet me? How will I know where to go, what to do?” These are just a few questions a person might ask as he or she courageously climbs the steps to Central Presbyterian Church for the first time. Of course, Pastor Louise and the Staff and Session have anticipated many of these questions, with greeters standing outside to extend welcome, improved signage, and a bulletin that’s easy to follow.

Still, we can do more. We can allow people outside to see what’s going on inside the church, and make it easier to enter. We can enhance our visitors’ experience with more natural light, updated facilities, and better accessibility to restrooms. We can create a new look for our church – one that speaks to the relevance of our worship and our mission in the heart of downtown Denver – while preserving the historical integrity of this sacred space. We can do this with God’s help, and with the investment of each of us in the recently announced capital campaign for Central’s thriving future.


Gracious and generous God, how blessed we are to be your people at Central Presbyterian Church. May we continue to grow in faithfulness together, as we to carry out the mission begun here so many years ago

Make an Intention

Prayerfully consider what God is calling you to give to bring the proposed changes to fruition. Invite a friend to worship with you at Central, and share the excitement of our mission and the joy of our life together.