[special_heading title=”Nourishment” subtitle=”by Emma Moore” separator=”yes”]
The Word in Scripture
When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap to the very edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest; you shall leave them for the poor and for the alien. Leviticus 23:22
On Sunday, our Life Together potluck will be our annual Souper Bowl of Caring to benefit Metro Caring, which happens to be our mission of the month for February. Our middlers and youth will prepare pots of soup or chili and engage in some friendly competition for your votes of best soup. While on Sundays, you usually see me hanging out with our youth and middlers, during the week, I work at Metro Caring.
Throughout my time at Metro Caring, my knowledge of the issues surrounding hunger including poverty, nutrition, food waste and environmental factors has grown tremendously. One of the things that Metro Caring believes is that nutritious food is a basic human right and not a privilege. Metro Caring carries out this belief through a “TakeWhatyou Need” choice market allowing shoppers to choose exactly what and how much they need for themselves and their families. Metro Caring also refrains from stocking the market with food high in sugar and sodium, which increases the nutritious value of the food.
The above scripture tells me that we are not to withhold nourishment from anyone. And nourishment goes beyond our leftovers or the things we find unappealing to the fruits of our own field, what we would feed our own families.
God of nourishment, we pray for those facing food insecurity, and we pray that we will physically nourish them the way you spiritually nourish us.
As you bring food and funds for Metro Caring this upcoming Sunday and going forward, consider making your food donations low in sugar and sodium.